Construction QA, supervision and inspection

Construction quality assurance, supervision and inspection

The quality of design of structures alone does not determine the finish quality and performance of the structure in service.  If construction planning and execution is poor, then in-service performance can suffer.  Even the best durability design for a concrete structure means nothing if it cannot be built to the required standard.

Occasionally, additional requirements to demonstrate on-site capability are needed.  For example, this may be as part of the employers requirements, or those required for remedial works as part of a legal agreement.  Whatever the reason, structures often benefit from the presence of a third party quality assessor or supervisor, particularly when elements of the work are complex or the level of prestige for the work is high.


An example of services offered are as follows:

  • Independent Construction Quality Assurance – review of quality and record keeping systems, inspection of site activities and reporting (e.g. to external bodies (client, regulator etc)),
  • Independent batch plant audits – on behalf of contractor or client
  • Inspection of activities – (pre-pour inspections, post concreting inspections, crack mapping and investigations)
  • Supervision of specialist activities (examples) –
    • onsite concrete acceptance and trouble shooting
    • maturity assessments and formwork striking,
    • temperature monitoring and interpretation
    • thermal curing
    • concrete repairs